Why is RTA Important For Both Investors & Fund House?

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Registrar & Transfer Agent:

Registrar & Share Transfer Agent is a medium entity taking all the responsibilities of the back-end process of all the multiple transactions based on mutual funds, and financial & non-financial dealings. The RTA undertakes the responsibility of record-keeping maintenance of each and every mutual fund’s transactions of the fund house via the chain of offices across the country.

The Registrar & Transfer Agent Services provider also manages all the financial as well as non-financial transactions while providing investors with the forms of the dedicated fund house and works upon all the account statements.

Also, the registrar & transfer agent helps the investors with all the information based on upcoming or ongoing fund offers, portfolio consolidations, paid-up dividends, etc.

Registrar and Transfer Agent Importance for Investors & Fund Houses:

All in all the RTA is a single place for all the information of multiple schemes offered by the fund houses. However, if we deeply understand the roles of a Registrar and Transfer Agent, they are being outsourced by the Mutual fund house for all the back-end process work.

The mutual fund house has to perform numerous transactions based on selling, purchasing, or switching of the share units on a daily basis, which accumulates into a lot of transactional data.

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The mutual fund house is incompetent in handling processing data, which they further allocate to the RTA services providers. And here comes the question of benefits from RTA service providers.

The mutual fund house remains the center point of all the investors while they are being served by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent via multiple branches across the country, saving time and cost of the fund houses in record-keeping matters.

SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) also requires the exact cut-off time for the investment done on a particular day to validate the day’s NAV. Therefore, the RTA service provider is an utmost requirement for every mutual fund house to continue the overall process of investments.

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