Issuer/Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (RTAs) have been officially notified that under the SEBI Circular (SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/131) dated July 31, 2023, registration on the common is now mandatory. This portal harnesses online conciliation and online arbitration to resolve disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market.
Read Also:- For enrolled on Smart ODR platform
This innovative platform has been established to enhance the resolution of investor grievances by providing them access to Online Dispute Resolution Institutions for complaint resolution.
The smart Registrar & Transfer Agent Portal has been collaboratively established by relevant Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) in conjunction with well-regarded ODR Institutions.
Issuers and RTAs are kindly urged to register on the SMART ODR Portal and establish their respective accounts for receiving complaints related to the concerned Issuer/Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. Detailed instructions for completing this process will be communicated to the email addresses of your respective Compliance Officer or the email address registered with SCORES. Below specified are the processes that are engaged in the procedure-
- Click on the verification link provided in the email sent to the respective Issuer/RTAs.
- Follow the prompts to set a password for your account as outlined in the email.
- Review and accept the Portal Terms & Conditions. Your account will be created after acceptance.
- Once you’ve set the password and accepted the Terms & Conditions, your SMART ODR Portal account will be active, and you can begin exploring its functionalities.
Please keep in mind that your account will only be fully activated once you have clicked the verification link as mentioned in the email and set your password.
The Issuer Registrar and Transfer Agent need to be aware that, as per the SEBI Circular mentioned above, registration on the RTA Portal must be completed by September 15, 2023. Therefore, it is advisable to take the necessary steps promptly to ensure your account’s verification.
In the case of any issues during the account creation process, Issuer and RTAs are encouraged to contact via email at: for assistance.