This is the form that can be used by a shareholder for registering their Email Id and bank mandate or PAN details with the trading company for electronic credit of dividends.
The applicant is required to provide his/her folio details for which he/she wants to update the details. In addition, they will also have to provide the details of the shareholder/s, including their name, PAN and Signature (as per records). They will also need to furnish the ECS Mandate details if they wish to receive dividends in the form of form of electronic (bank account) credit.
The Bank Mandate/PAN And Email Id Registration Form can be submitted to and processed by the Company’s official Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
Here’s how to fill the form.
The Bank Mandate Form has been Divided into Four Parts, As Follows:
1. Folio Details
Provide the details like the Name of the Company, your Folio No, Mobile No., and Email id.

2. Shareholder Details
Provide details, include the name, PAN (Permanent Account Number), and Signature, of each shareholder in separate columns.

3. ECS Mandate Details
Here, the applicant is required to provide his/her bank account information, including the bank name, branch name & address, his/her account number, account type, MICR no. of the bank, and IFSC. This is to link the account holder’s bank account with his/her share folio for electronic credit of dividends.

4. Declaration
Provide the current date and place, along with a self-attested copy of PAN card (of all shareholders), cancelled cheque, and address proof.